Transitioning to MVLE
Are you looking for support in finding meaningful employment or retaining job placement?
MVLE provides transition assistance for individuals leaving school or transferring from other agencies, as well as internal transition for individuals wishing to move between departments or into more independent employment. Customized, holistic transition plans are developed for each individual entering services that include preference assessments, as well as person-centered planning.
How to get started with MVLE? Contact Us or 703-569-3900 to schedule a tour today.
MVLE’s transition team will meet with you to discuss your personal and professional goals. From there, MVLE will work with you to create a customized, holistic transition plan that includes preference assessments and person-centered planning.
- Situational Assessment: MVLE provides opportunities for individuals to try a hands-on approach to employment and community exploration. This provides the chance to experience a job or program before making an informed choice.
- Person-Centered Plan (PCP): The PCP is intended to identify the strength, capacity, preferences, needs and desired outcomes of the individual. MVLE staff works with each individual we serve, and their support network, to develop the PCP.